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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Years and years...

La porta di una casa a Tataley
La porte d'une maison à Tataley

Years and years...
Monday morning, after organizing the widening church site, I leave towards Bocaranga 125 km far from here. I arrive after only 3 hours. I give my farewell to Sr. Renata Dutto, returning definitively to Italy, after working for 48 years in Ngaundaye as a obstetric and nurse responsible of malnourished and blind people. At the table I am with the Capuchin Mission: Fr. Cipriano with 56 years of Africa, Fr.Valentino with 54 as missionary. By adding their years of work in the mission along with Sister Renata, the three of them reach 158 years of service to the Central Africa Republic! Ahead with courage!
In the early afternoon I’m on the road, in a very bad condition, toward Ndim. I came here in Ndim because for months the everyday life is very tense. Some armed groups have reorganized themselves creating dangerous alliances, under the indifferent eyes of the UN peacekeepers and the absent control of state authorities. In recent weeks tension has risen, with groups of ex-Seleka fighting Koui, and the reaction of antibalaka who often take advantage of the disorder to attack the Mbororo populations (nomads who live breeding) stealing their cattle. The tension in recent days: about 200 Mbororo took refuge in the Mission, but thank God we were able to have the presence of UN peacekeepers who took them under their protection.
Once in Ndim I greet Fr. Robert, a Polish Capuchin, who does a great job to prevent the tragedy, the Sisters of Mercy, the Mayor (a brave woman), the leader of the Blue Helmets and, most importantly, the Mbororo families. We have a positive discussion trying to reflect and to keep their hope alive.
On Tuesday I’m back to Bozoum just in time to say bye to Fr.Norberto who is leaving for a well-deserved time of resting in Italy.
Thursday morning I go with Fr.Enrico to Kosso, a small village 8 km from Bozoum (8 km distance and 40 minutes by car ...). Here, thanks to the generosity of some friends, we are starting the construction of a primary school for about 230 students who at present attend classes in hangars made of straw and wood.
Keep always going !

Sr Christina e Sr Renata Dutto

la strada tra Bocaranga e Ndim
La route entre Bocarnga et Ndim

Ndim: sr Mediatrice e il sindaco
Ndim: sr Médiatrice et Mme le Maire

Caschi Blu a Ndim

Alunni della scuola di Kosso
Elèves de l'école de Kosso

I lavori proseguono a Bozoum

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